Theremin Workshop @ #{3, 5, 6}

Theremin board with two 260kHz oscillators
Theremin board with two 260kHz oscillators

At the theremin workshop, I was able to add my two pitch oscillators, and tested them successfully at 260kHz. It took me one session for each oscillator (3 and 5), but I was done early on the second oscillator.

During session 6 last week, I added the tuning circuit for the oscillator that is attached to the control panel. (not in picture)

Theremin Workshop @ #2

Theremin Main Board
Theremin Main Board

Yesterday was the second day of the Theremin Workshop run by Andrew Kilpatrick at the Toronto Hacklab.

We seemed to get pretty well along the process in the first workshop.  I had my power supply completed, but my voltage regulators were in backwards – because the pin-out diagram was labeled as if looking from the bottom of the IC, not the top (as I assumed that all would be).  Unfortunately, we found this out when we connected the supply voltage, and things got hot. Continue reading Theremin Workshop @ #2

Chicken Wings in Oshawa, and Durham

I’ve been meaning to put together both a journal, and a calendar of chicken wing events in Oshawa, Whitby, and the Durham Region.  It’s probably appropriate for me to have my first post tie them in together.  Here is the Oshawa Chicken Wing Calendar!

I will be growing it over time, so keep your eyes peeled.